More collaborations from the Artists Respond Grant from the CT Office of the Arts

Another fantastic event for the Artists Respond grant from the CT Office of the Arts.

For this project, we’re creating a life-sized portrait of Cuvier’s Beaked Whale, which will be 24 x 12 feet in its final form.

Here are photos from our second sewing workshop, with residents of the Seabury Community from late May. I’ve had the chance to collaborate them many times and I always love talking with them and working with them.

I met two, count ’em TWO ,other KathArines who spell it with an A. It’s a rarity and we all enjoyed talking about how many people misspell our name and how our way is obviously the best way to spell the name Katharine.

Published by katharineowens

I'm a mom, environmentalist, professor, artist, and writer.

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